"Innovation Tournament" 今年もいよいよ始動です。
去年もSIVとして参加した"Innovation Challenge"、今年は"Innovation Tournament"と名前が変わって、いよいよ始動です。Stanford主催のこのイベントに、今年は慶應からはACCEL実行委員会がホストとして参画することを準備中です。Stanford大学からの案内文は以下の通り。
From February 22 - 29, 2008, we will be running Entrepreneurship Week (http://eweek.stanford.edu) at Stanford. As part of the week-long collection of activities, we will be hosting a special Innovation Tournament and want to invite your students to participate. This tournament will be similar to last year's Innovation Challenge where we gave student teams one pack of Post-It notes and challenged them to create as much value as possible in one week. For those of you who participated last year, you know that the results were amazing! You can also see a trailer of the film that was produced last year at: http://www.imagineitproject.com.