2年目の後半に入り、半年後に迫ったqualifying examの準備のため、今まで博士課程で学んだことの棚卸しをしています。学内用に作った資料をこちらにもポストしてみようと思います。
[Professional Training]
Research Methods
Research Methods for Management Research A (MGT208A) [Prof. David Schkade]
This is the first course in a three-course sequence that introduces students to the various methodologies and research paradigms employed in management research. This course covers fundamentals of empirical research methods, including research design, reliability and validity of measurements, theory building and hypothesis testing, and some history of science.
Research Methods for Management Research B (MGT208A) [Prof. Karsten Hansen]
Sequence introduces students to various management research and methodological paradigms, and discusses theory development, building, and validation approaches. Students with additional need for mathematical/analytical training may be asked to take additional courses that prepare for the rigors of the program.
Research Methods for Management Research C (MGT208A) [Prof. Vish Krishnan]
Sequence introduces students to various management research and methodological paradigms, and discusses theory development, building, and validation approaches. Students with additional need for mathematical/analytical training may be asked to take additional courses that prepare for the rigors of the program.
Behavioral Studies (Fundamentals)
Cognitive Psychology (PSYCH218A) [Prof. Keith Rayner]
A survey of basic principles and concepts of cognitive psychology. This course is intended to serve as the basic introduction for first-year students. Basic areas include knowledge, memory, thought, perception, and performance.
Emotion (PSYC205) [Prof. Christine Harris]
This seminar provides a selective overview of the scientific study of emotion. We will discuss various theoretical perspectives on emotion and will focus on specific topics such as emotion regulation, affect in social interactions, individual differences, and particular emotions (e.g., embarrassment, envy, and jealousy).
Proseminar in Social Psychology (PSYC220) [Prof. Piotr Winkielman]
An introduction to social psychology. Psychology and the law, health psychology, attitudes, emotions, person perception and aggression are some of the topics to be covered.
* Topics in Judgment and Decision Making (PSYC209)
This seminar examines issues in the psychology of judgment and decision making. Topics include the heuristics and biases approach, over confidence, framing effects, intertemporal choice, and rationality.
Microeconomics (Intermediate)
Microeconomics A (ECON100A) [Dr. Melissa Famulari]
Economic analysis of household determination of the demand for goods and services, consumption/saving decisions, and the supply of labor.
Microeconomics B (ECON100B) [Dr. David Bernotas]
Analysis of firms’ production and costs, the supply of output and demand factors of production. Analysis of perfectly competitive markets.
Microeconomics C (ECON100C) [Prof. Julie Cullen]
Analysis of the effects of imperfect market structure, strategy, and imperfect information.
Behavioral / Experimental Economics
Behavioral Economics (MGT225) [Prof. Uri Gneezy]
Introduction to formal and predictive approaches to incorporating behavioral regularities into economic theory. Covers developments in generalizing conventional economic models to allow patterns of behavior that appear to be common but are paradoxical for conventional models based on assumptions of rationality.
Experimental Economics (ECON264) [Prof. James Andreoni]
Design and interpretation of controlled experiments using human subjects.
Econometrics / Statistics
Quantitative Methods for Psychology A (PSYC201A) [Prof. Mark Appelbaum]
Quantitative Methods for Psychology B (PSYC201B) [Prof. Mark Appelbaum]
An intensive course in statistical methods and the mathematical treatment of data, with special reference to research in psychology.
Quantitative Methods (POLI204B) [Prof. Scott Desposato]
The use of quantitative methods (particularly multiple regression and its extensions) in political science. Emphasis on understanding the methods and using them in political science applications.
Advanced Statistical Applications (POLI271) [Prof. Thad Kousser]
This course builds on PS204B (and PS270) and covers methods and models for a variety of data types frequently encountered in empirical work, including discrete choice data, ordinal and count data, duration/survival data, truncated/censored/sample selected data, and times series cross section or panel data. Likelihood and Bayesian inference and simulation methods are introduced. Issues and methods for causal inference are discussed, and selected topics such as machine learning methods are introduced as time permits. The course is application oriented, with emphasis on the understanding of the assumptions, the estimation and interpretation of various models, but maintains a level of analytic rigor necessary for a solid understanding of the inner working of the methods.
* Applied Data Analysis and Statistical Decision Making (IRGN240)
The goal of the course is to teach how to evaluate quantitative information in business and economics contexts, and to make sound managerial decisions in complex situations. Much of the problems and the course work will involve statistical software and spreadsheet analysis of data. The course covers various applied multivariate statistical methods beyond basics.
Network Theory
*Special Topics in Methodology: Social Networks (POLI 279)
This workshop is designed to give students an opportunity to publish a paper using network methodology. The course provides a brief introduction to social networks concepts and then focuses on the projects students are working on. By the end of the course, each student team will have produced a core set of results that will form the basis of an article to be submitted for publication.
Science Studies
*Foundations of Science Studies (SOCG234)
This course focuses on some classic methodological and theoretical resources upon which the sociology of science, technology, and medicine all draw. It gives special attention to relationships between knowledge and social order, and between knowledge and practice, that are common to science, technology, and medicine.
Mathematics (Fundamentals)
Mathematics for Economists (ECON205) [Prof. Joel Sobel]
Advanced calculus review for new graduate students.
Linear Algebra (MATH20F) [Prof. Guershon Harel]
Matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination, determinants. Linear and affine subspaces, bases of Euclidean spaces. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadratic forms, orthogonal matrices, diagonalization of symmetric matrices. Applications. Computing symbolic and graphical solutions using Matlab.
*Classes will be taken near future