本日、情報社会学会の年次総会で発表しました。これは、日本創生ビレッジのケース論文で、査読付き論文で学会誌にアクセプトされたものです。タイトルは、日本語が「地域イノベーションシステムにおけるネットワークの閉鎖性・構造的空隙を創出するビジネス・インキュベーション・プラットフォームの設計に関する研究〜日本創生ビレッジをケース・スタディとして〜」、英語が"Study on Designing Business Incubation Platform of Creating Network Closure and Structural Holes for Regional Innovation System -Based on Case Study of EGG JAPAN-"です。宮地恵美さんと樺澤哲さんの共著論文です。
Accelerating the regional innovation system is becoming one of the biggest issues to solve in each country to create economic development. In the system, designing effective business incubation platform is a key element for accelerating the regional innovation. We extend the network theory to business incubation, and have an research interest that a successful business incubation platform must contain the following two types of network features to accelerate the innovation. The one of the features is network closure, so-called Coleman rent. Coleman rent is effective to create and foster trust but difficult to contain the diversity that is crucial for innovation. The other one is network structural hole, so-called Burt rent. Burt rent is effective to contain the diversity but difficult to create and foster trust. The research question of this study is; is it possible to design the platform that contains both characteristics of Burt rent and Coleman rent? This study is composed by a case study of EGG-JAPAN, which is unique incubation platform in Japan. EGG-JAPAN contains Tokyo 21c Club (business club) and incubation facility, and operated by Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd. Tokyo 21c Club mainly operates a bottom layer of platform (hardware layer), and its members can create their own network as an upper layer (software layer). A leader of the network manages each network, and members of the network are recommended as member of Tokyo 21c club. This mechanism creates network closure (Coleman rent). Tokyo 21c club is consisted by more than 20 networks, and this structure creates network structural holes (Burt rent).We have conducted network analysis of networks in Tokyo 21c club, and show that the existence of both network characteristics, which is a combination of Coleman rent and Burt rent, is effectively working for business incubation.